Latest News
December 2010
Investment in production
The new nest-shaped pasta machine arrived. A fully self-financing investment that doubled the factory’s production capacity in vermicelli and tagliatelle.
September 2010
ICAP Strongest Companies
PANAGIOTIS SP. DAKOS S.A. became one of the "STRONGEST COMPANIES IN GREECE" in the ICAP Group, ready to face the challenges of our times
by confirming that its creditworthiness is truly high.
May 2010
Certification Upgrade
The upgrade of our certification by TUV Austria Hellas according to the Requirements of the new Quality Management System (ELOT ΕΝ ISO 9001:2008) and Food Safety Management System (ELOT ΕΝ ISO 22000:2005).
March 2010
Orzo from corn meal
Orzo Le Veneziane was added to the wide variety of shapes in MolinodiFerro “gluten-free” pasta so everyone can enjoy traditional Greek Yiouvetsi.